Talli is a Summoner: a nearly extinct people, hunted by those who fear their mysterious powers. As a baby, she was adopted by Lord Borin, and all was well for many years... But Talli has been sent on the run by the forces of Lord Ulric, who wants to exterminate the Summoners. With Ulric's forces led by the ruthless Captain Nina hot on her heels, Talli and her loyal protector Alan find themselves with a motley crew of companions and allies that includes the lethargic-but-incredible swordsman Lélo.
A climactic battle has cut them off from their chosen route, and now they find themselves traversing the deadly and mysterious Forbidden Forest. Can Talli and her team make it to the other side without getting eaten by wild animals, and find refuge in the kingdom of Lady Sybbyl? Will she perfect her control over her incredible powers in her moment of need?
A climactic battle has cut them off from their chosen route, and now they find themselves traversing the deadly and mysterious Forbidden Forest. Can Talli and her team make it to the other side without getting eaten by wild animals, and find refuge in the kingdom of Lady Sybbyl? Will she perfect her control over her incredible powers in her moment of need?