After making his escape to California, Oliver finds himself hiding in plain sight amongst the many invisi-ble and forgotten faces of Los Angeles County. For the time being, he is safe. Neither the police nor the mysterious "Strangers in Black" know where he is. But he's also alone. Lost in a city - and a world - that he doesn't know how to navigate, Oliver seeks out the one man his mother told him could help reconnect him with the very aliens that abducted him so many years ago.
Based on a true story from writer Eliot Rahal (HOT LUNCH SPECIAL), with out-of-this-world art from Clara Meath, MIDNIGHT VISTA will make you believe in little grey men.
Based on a true story from writer Eliot Rahal (HOT LUNCH SPECIAL), with out-of-this-world art from Clara Meath, MIDNIGHT VISTA will make you believe in little grey men.