The City by the Sea is under Animal control. Led by a mysterious beast, and under laws and dangers never known before, the city is on the brink of crisis-and one man stands between totalitarian order or ravenous chaos. What choice is there?
The exciting third chapter of this ANIMOSITY trilogy comes to a conclusion here, paving the way to AfterShock's new ongoing ANIMOSITY series, debuting next month!
From creator Marguerite Bennett (INSEXTS, Bombshells and Batwoman) and artist Juan Doe (AMERICAN MONSTER, WORLD READER).
The exciting third chapter of this ANIMOSITY trilogy comes to a conclusion here, paving the way to AfterShock's new ongoing ANIMOSITY series, debuting next month!
From creator Marguerite Bennett (INSEXTS, Bombshells and Batwoman) and artist Juan Doe (AMERICAN MONSTER, WORLD READER).